Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Donald Trump: The Billionaire President

From Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jack Ma, Elon Musk and many more who have all contributed greatly to the development of modern humanity through their unbelievable entrepreneurial mindsets, perhaps none are as controversial and as famous as, the United States Billionaire president, Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is called by many titles, the 71 year old Billionaire, the Genius real estate developer, the tycoon, the awkward twitter poster, etc. and nowadays he is now etched in history as the 45th President of the most influential and powerful country in the entire world! United states of America!

He is one of the epitome and basis of success for entrepreneurs the world over, a couple of years ago before he was inaugurated, Donald Trump, symbolized success probably in the flashiest ways possible, from his sparkling buildings to his boast like interviews, and lets not forget him on the Apprentice America, Donald Trump without a doubt has become unparalleled as an entrepreneur showman.

However the legacy of the 71 year old magnate, has slowly turned sour over these past couple of years after his controversial win for presidency, Not that I’m saying he’s doing a bad job nor is he doing a great job as president, I mean really he poops and picks his nose just like the rest of us, as a human being he has flaws, add the key to the country to those flaws and you’re looking at a common error only with more impact to society. perhaps he’s not to blame,I mean really if you were a eccentric 71 year old businessman, who has tasted all the finer things in life, and perhaps achieved goals far beyond the average human being, and someone comes and says you should rule the country! would you really have the guts to turn that down?

I’m just saying people tend to dump it all on one person whenever life gets low for them, stop blaming the guy, and vote more wisely the next time around, but seriously if ever I’m graced enough for Trump to stumble upon this blog, then all I have to say is that as an entrepreneur he is a legend to me and millions more out there, but as a president he has got to treat this with more urgency and responsibility.

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