Looking for a good job? Don’t!

I read an article the other day on the most popular careers for the millennial population , and basically it listed the most popular careers for the past fifty years or so, such are the following; Engineering, Medicine, Education, Law, blah blah blah!  then I read another article, stating that most students suffer from 2 years of unemployment on average after graduating, which is to be frank is longer than it should be.

I have a friend who graduation in the fields of electrical engineering, who ended up becoming a cellphone repairman, a nursing graduate who became a server at a local restaurant, a Law graduate who ended up pursuing a career in telemarketing, bottom line is these friends of mine never in their wildest thoughts dreamed of having the job they have now.

Think Logically

Most college students, have this premature assumption of  what life is after school, persevering in a course that’s in demand Now can already be irrelevant after you graduate,the most common example of this is the nursing boom in the early 2000’s demand for nurses sky rocketed, the majority of those graduating high school, took up nursing halfway towards graduating majority also ended up disappointed with the decline in demand for nurses both local and abroad.

The age of entrepreneurs

one career stands strong though for the past 300 years or so and that’s “entrepreneurship” from the era of war merchants stood behind the scenes growing their influence and reach, and no matter whichever way you look at it entrepreneurs keep the world running, no matter if your a small business owner, or a tycoon,a hot dog vendor or an oil magnate, one way or another your’e contributing more.

bottom line is, should you find yourself struggling to find a passion where you can earn, or failing to get a good job, entrepreneurship is a good fall back or plan B, think of your current hobbies and find a way to market and sell it, do this while still hunting for the career you really want, nothing is more damaging to our personal fulfillment than remaining idle in life.

I chose to write this as the first post on this blog, because of the upcoming batch of fresh graduates here in the Philippines, if you should stumble upon this, with all intent I hope to keep you keeping on, and keep providing this world with the value of potential you possess.

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