Cats Vs Dogs, a rivalry that has been older than the first steam engine, a competition more exciting than Pacquiao versus Mayweather these two beasts have been the main choice for pet owners globally, here’s what owning one says about you.

The Dog lover

Oh what a lovable creature indeed, both loyal and handy, this canine has earned the right to be one of the primary choices as a pet, wether you need something to cuddle with or something to ride into battle, go get yourself a puppy.

Studies show that most dog owners have a hidden desire for affection and security (don’t we all?) or as a result of past bad relationships, a dog just gives us less drama, Dog owners are less likely to suffer from depression than non-pet owners. Even for those people who do become clinically depressed, having a pet to take care of can help them out of a depressive episode. Since taking care of a dog requires a routine and forces you to stay at least a little active, it is harder to stay inside feeling down all the time. The interaction with and love received from a dog can also help people stay positive. Even the mere act of looking at your pet increases the amount of oxytocin, the “feel good” chemical, in the brain.

Or the more likely scenario, you’re just too lazy to get the paper or bark at suspicious individuals.


The Cat enthusiast

His majesty the “cat”, once said to rule over egypt, and hold dominion over the underworld or something like that, the cat most definitely should be at the top of the List, unless you want to be scratched to death while you sleep.

Cat people score higher in intelligence and are more intellectually curious.

That’s what a study of 600 college students by Denise Guastello and colleagues found, while also re-confirming earlier findings that dog lovers are more outgoing and lively. This suggests that you want your realtor to be a dog person for sure. But those preferring felines—while more introverted—are more sensitive and open-minded. Additionally, this study did not find them to be more neurotic. They also tend to be more non-conformist—perhaps echoing the independence for which cats are famous—and score higher on intelligence tests. (Does that mean my shift to the cat camp means I’m getting smarter? I hope so.)

This study also found that the motives for having a pet were different for cat and dog aficionados—38% of dog lovers were looking for companionship, while 45.6% of cat lovers wanted affection.

Anyways whether your a cat person or a dog person, one thing is common to both, and that’s we’re one with the world and that the world is one with us, well that is until the cat starts its master plan of world domination, Hail Cat!


Which do you prefer cat’s or dog’s? let me know in the comments section, don’t forget to like and follow this blog!

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