Category Archives: World

Social Media Depression

I was watching an episode of Inside Quest wherein the guest mentioned something highly interesting and should be given attention, and that’s Social media depression.

The idea behind Social media depression is when we as individuals spend so much time on social media scrolling through our feeds, and ultimately perhaps subconsciously start to compare the highlights of our day or life with other peoples highlights, which then fills our mind with envy and jealousy leading to depression.

See the episode by clicking the link here – Inside quest

Social media depression is here and its real, please help raise awareness by sharing this post, I will be researching ways to counter social media depression so be sure to follow, till next time!


Is it really more fun in the Philippines? The Attitude That’s Damaging Filipinos

I recently read an article about the main problems that hinder most Filipinos, It featured four main problems, which are; 1. The “Bahala Na” attitude, 2.they ride the bandwagon often, 3.Because we do not think, and 4.Some values we receive as children These may seem like harsh, hurtful words, but as the saying goes “the truth,hurts”.


Now I won’t tackle all of those four, if I did, I could write a whole book on the subject, so I asked myself, among the four, which is more terrifying? but first let me explain what and why I did not choose the other three.

Number 2: We ride the bandwagon often– first and foremost this is not a big problem, people naturally go for what’s viral and what’s “in”, however yes it may set our beloved country as mere copycats, but hey! who isn’t?

Number 3:Because we do not think– This is just another reference to how Filipinos lack a sense of global uniqueness, I was pretty pissed off when I read the article, but what’s been said, has been said, An example of it is the annual Metro Manila Film Festival. Ilda had written an old but a very provocative article about this topic. (sorry for the minor plagiarism on that last sentence.)

Number 4: Some values we receive as children – I can’t argue with this, there are some negative values, Pinoy’s are exposed to as children, that greatly affect’s our lives as adults, here’s a link for a list of those “negative values“, I chose not to tackle this even if it’s a major topic, that can greatly help the Filipino’s if corrected, because (i’m planning to create a whole segment of posts around this topic.)


What I believe is something that we should eliminate in our country, is the viral disease of attitude called “BAHALA NA”, whatever happens, happens, now I chose this because of two major reasons:

#1: IT FORCES US TO NOT ACT– when a person says “Bahala Na” (whatever happens, happens.) what he’s really saying is “I no longer have the desire to know what to do, and how to do it, so I will just be content whit whatever comes.” you get into this crippled mental state, and what’s worse is when we say “Bahala Na” we follow it with the saying “Si God na bahala.” (God will take care of it)

Now I am a spiritual man, I have a strong personal relationship with our creator, but when you say verbally and mentally and spiritually, that you leave it all to him and that you don’t have the guts to do something about it, what you are really saying is “whatever happens, it’s on you God.” I specifically remember the saying “DO YOUR BEST AND


“ACTION” no matter how small, when done in a great way and in a great sense of passion and desire, is unstoppable! Respect yourself enough, that you stop relying on someone else to act, and respect life enough, that you stop putting it on everyone else, but yourself, MAN UP! (if you’re a woman the “man up” phrase applies to you too.

#2:IT’S CONTAGIOUS– Remember in school when we’re part of a team project, and after the process of doing that project, when it’s time to pass it to the teacher and the quality of our work was not what we expected it to be, There’s always that one guy that says “BAHALA NA” (what ever happens, happens) and what do the other team members do? they pile on and start consoling each other that “whatever happens, happens, we love this habit of “Bahala na” because it removes the guilt within us when we leave it to someone else like the universe, or god, or the spirits, or your ancestors! and when that feeling is emitted to the world, people around you start to do more of the same, why? because it removes the weight on our shoulders.


We are Filipinos! we have experienced a ton of hell as a country, lost a lot of heroes to the enemies, and we have fought great battles individually, but with our Blood, Our Courage and Our Love for this country, we dug out of hell, eliminated our enemies, and crushed the demons we fight individually, our ability to adapt and summon courage when needed, is what makes us a Filipino, Mediocrity is not in our vocabulary, Let us stop “THE BAHALA NA ATTITUDE”! we don’t need to put it on someone else!we don’t need to rely on other countries to prosper, we will rise!

I am a Pinoy citizen, and I can’t change that, and I don’t what to, the funny kwirks! The weird beliefs! the positive habits! these are what defines us, I wrote this piece not to change what makes us “Pinoy”, but rather to unleash and hopefully spread what the Filipinos really are, a country with more potential! not because of our natural resources, or our beautiful tourist spots, but rather because, we possess what most do not understand,  “HEART”.


Cats Vs Dogs, a rivalry that has been older than the first steam engine, a competition more exciting than Pacquiao versus Mayweather these two beasts have been the main choice for pet owners globally, here’s what owning one says about you.

The Dog lover

Oh what a lovable creature indeed, both loyal and handy, this canine has earned the right to be one of the primary choices as a pet, wether you need something to cuddle with or something to ride into battle, go get yourself a puppy.

Studies show that most dog owners have a hidden desire for affection and security (don’t we all?) or as a result of past bad relationships, a dog just gives us less drama, Dog owners are less likely to suffer from depression than non-pet owners. Even for those people who do become clinically depressed, having a pet to take care of can help them out of a depressive episode. Since taking care of a dog requires a routine and forces you to stay at least a little active, it is harder to stay inside feeling down all the time. The interaction with and love received from a dog can also help people stay positive. Even the mere act of looking at your pet increases the amount of oxytocin, the “feel good” chemical, in the brain.

Or the more likely scenario, you’re just too lazy to get the paper or bark at suspicious individuals.


The Cat enthusiast

His majesty the “cat”, once said to rule over egypt, and hold dominion over the underworld or something like that, the cat most definitely should be at the top of the List, unless you want to be scratched to death while you sleep.

Cat people score higher in intelligence and are more intellectually curious.

That’s what a study of 600 college students by Denise Guastello and colleagues found, while also re-confirming earlier findings that dog lovers are more outgoing and lively. This suggests that you want your realtor to be a dog person for sure. But those preferring felines—while more introverted—are more sensitive and open-minded. Additionally, this study did not find them to be more neurotic. They also tend to be more non-conformist—perhaps echoing the independence for which cats are famous—and score higher on intelligence tests. (Does that mean my shift to the cat camp means I’m getting smarter? I hope so.)

This study also found that the motives for having a pet were different for cat and dog aficionados—38% of dog lovers were looking for companionship, while 45.6% of cat lovers wanted affection.

Anyways whether your a cat person or a dog person, one thing is common to both, and that’s we’re one with the world and that the world is one with us, well that is until the cat starts its master plan of world domination, Hail Cat!


Which do you prefer cat’s or dog’s? let me know in the comments section, don’t forget to like and follow this blog!


Back in 1957 a group of monks from a monastery had to relocate a clay Buddha from their temple to a new location. The monastery was to be relocated tomake room for the development of a highway through Bangkok. When the crane begin to lift the giant idol, the weight of it was so tremendous that it began to crack. What’s more, rain began to fall. The head monk, who was concerned about damage to the sacred Buddha, decided to lower the statue back to the ground and to cover it with a large canvas tarp to protect it from the rain.

Later that evening the head monk went to check if the Buddha was staying dry. As the light reached the crack, he noticed the gleam of light, he wondered if there might be something underneath the clay, he went to fetch a chisel and hammer from the monastery and began to chip away the clay. As he knocked off shards of clay, the little gleam grew brighter and bigger. Many hours of labor went by before the monks stood face with the Extraordinary Gold Buddha.

Historians believe that several hundred years before the head monk’s discovery, the Burmese army was about to invade Thailand, the Siamese monks, realizing that their country would soon be attacked, covered their precious Buddha with an outer covering of clay to keep it form being looted by the  Burmese, unfortunately the monks were all slaughtered, and the well kept secret of the golden Buddha remained intact, until that faithful day in 1957.

We are all like the clay Buddha covered with a shell of hardness created by fear, and yet underneath us is a golden Buddha a golden Christ or a golden essence, which is our real self, and much like the monk with the hammer and chisel, it’s up to us now to discover our true essence once again.


Its amazing how easily mankind can be crippled, how easily it is to go out into a world full of negatives, and how easy for us to let that negativity affect our lives, for what is a man when his mind no longer admires the beauty of life.

What I want to talk about now, is “courage”, and to this day! what I believe is the most courageous act, any human being can possibly do! is to fall miserably, and rise back up.

Honorable is the man who lost the gift of sight, but still chose to see.

Great is the man who failed, yet came back fighting.

Brave is the man who have lost, but is not lost.

I recently saw a video about a man named “Nick Vujicic”, an Australian Christian evangelist and motivational speaker born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of arms and legs, if you want to know the full details about the guy, you can click here.

One of the best speakers I have ever heard! you can know more about him by clicking the link to his website here, after watching the video I was like “Man I have to write about this man!” I was so moved, and was awed by this mans “will power” that I have concluded.

We are not bound by the physicality of life – in life we can’t help but pay attention to the physical aspects of life, we as human beings have this innate habit of  “seeing to believe”, we have this natural desire for “visual proof”, and there’s nothing wrong about that, however! what we see is what’s abundant in the physical world, and that’s negativity, it’s simple mathematics, the more there is of something, the more likely we are to see and notice that thing, the world fails to see it’s own beauty because it is shrouded by darkness and despair, the moment we step outside, we are exposed to this virus called the negatives, there’s terrorism, daily crime, corrupted leaders, failed grades, bullies, hate, hurt, etc. and in a way we blame it on these negativity, to have something to blame it on! I’m going to post a couple of sentences below, try and see if any of them sound familiar;

She/He can never love me, “because” I’m too ugly! I don’t have a car! etc.

I don’t have a job, “because” my parents couldn’t afford college! the goverment is selfish! etc.

I’m can’t do the best I can, “because” it’s raining outside! other people wont let me! other people wont tell me what to do! etc.

If you think you never experienced one of those written above, go ahead and think of a new one, I know I have, I used to love blaming other people, blaming the weather, blaming the government, and just about anything I can point my finger on, after watching “Nick” (yes we’re on a first name basis now) in addition to my own developed values and beliefs, I have now concluded and proved, that we are not bound by life’s physicality, I mean I believed this from the day I started becoming an entrepreneur, but I never really proved it, however now, I have verified that, we are not bound by the physicality of life, but rather we are bound by the way we perceive the things around us, think about it, “rain” in all its being! is just “rain”! how you looked at this event, how you looked at this rain will determine it’s impact on your life, take for example two salesmen;

One looks out the window and says, It’s raining? with weather like this, I can never make a sale, I should stay at home; the other guy looks out the rain and says, WOW! it’s raining? what a great way to make sales, all the other salesmen/competition will be staying at home!

Remember! rain is just rain, events are just events, take for example “Nick”, no arms! no legs! and he still became a successful person, A speaker no less, so why can’t we?