The Busy Loser : Why doing more decreases your chances of winning.

I recently wrote an article about “WORK VS. PLAY” wherein I stated that, “work” or “action” is the primal force that leads to success, I am writing this now to clarify what I just stated, WORK is absolutely required to achieve success, and to even make it clearer here it goes;






On another article I wrote entitled “Lists Everyone Should Have It” I wrote about the “Law Of Attraction” if in anyway you do not know what “L.O.A” is click on the link here. It is said that the way we act is ultimately what we end up becoming, so what most people do is think and think, dream and dream and keep on dreaming and it never becomes a reality! because most of those people tend to forget the “ACTION” part of the equation, now let’s say they do work like hell, let’s say they understand the “NO EAT, NO SLEEP. NO THEM UNTIL I SUCCEED” mentality, however if you rush blindly you might still hit the wall.

People as a whole, love being busy, they think it makes them look cool! I know I was, I used to love making up stuff in order to be busy, I would work a straight 3-hours, then watch a 2-hour movie, or hangout for hours with my friends, it was crazy how much time I was wasting! because we are never really busy! we may think we are, because of the very few time left at the end of the day, but in reality we spent the majority of that time doing nonsense things! then we have the audacity (big word there ha-ha) to say, I’ve been working so hard! How come I’m not winning?”


So how do we know when we’re actually doing the wrong things?

Great question! to answer that simply follow the ff. steps:

step#1: WHAT DO YOU WANT- the very first thing you have to do, is to “KNOW” what you really want, this day, this month, this year, and this life! a great philosopher once said, “HOW CAN YOU ARRIVE AT A DESTINATION YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW”, so get that piece of paper and write it down.

step#2: HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?- Second is to commit to that “want”, tell yourself right after defining what you want, how much are you willing to sacrifice for it, are you willing to die! for that dream? I know it sounds a little intense, but unless you are not willing to “DIE” literally for your dreams, don’t do it.

here’s a link to another article I wrote, that I know can help deepen your understanding of this step- “NEED VS. WANT“.

Concluding step: After defining what you want, and how bad you want it, live the remaining years of your life only for the service of that dream and for the people that dream will affect, may it be your family, your children, the world! because if you don’t make that dream of yours a reality, then no one else will.

So the next time you find yourself doing something, and you’re not sure if that action is contributing to your success or your failure, pull yourself aside and tell yourself this: Is what I’m doing now, this very second, in the service of my dreams?


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